Enter an IP address to check who owns it and retrieve associated information such as registration date, location, and network details.
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Find answers to frequently asked questions
about our WHOIS Lookup tool.
What is a WHOIS lookup tool?
A WHOIS lookup tool is a service that retrieves information about registered domain names, including ownership details, registration dates, and contact information.
What information can I find using a WHOIS lookup?
You can find details such as the domain registrant's name, organization, email address, registration and expiration dates, and the nameservers associated with the domain.
How do I use the WHOIS lookup tool?
Enter the domain name you want to check and click "Lookup" to view its registration information.
Can I find private registrant information?
If the domain owner uses privacy protection services, personal information may be hidden, and you will see the contact information of the privacy service instead.
Is the information in a WHOIS lookup always accurate?
While WHOIS data is generally reliable, it can sometimes be outdated or inaccurate if the registrant has not updated their information.
What is a WHOIS database?
A WHOIS database stores information about registered domain names and IP addresses, including ownership and contact details.